Formal Methods for an Agile Scrum Software Development Methodology




Agile Software Development Methodology, Formal Methods (FMs), Formal Specification, Proof Obligation (PO), Scrum, Z


Efficient, high-quality software systems embodying dependable methods are in high demand, which has led to a wide range of competitive market solutions. One effective technique that arguably has excelled above others is the Agile Software Development Methodology (ASDM). Agile approaches’ capacity to produce software in a way that is flexible to changes is the main factor that makes them preferable. Scrum, a recommended Agile methodology, prioritises feature coverage and project structure. Because iterative methodologies encourage engagement from cross-functional teams, including consumers, Agile provides flexibility in responding to change. However, achieving methodological efficiency is insufficient while developing software; high-quality software should be achieved with equal consideration. Formal Methods (FMs), which are mathematically based techniques, can offer highly dependable software but suffer from a steep learning curve in mastering the underlying discrete mathematics and logic. This research investigates the extent to which FMs may be embedded in traditional Agile as embodied by Scrum. Future work in this area would be the development of a framework for embedding FMs in Scrum, followed by a survey among software practitioners to establish the feasibility of our technique.

Author Biographies

Andre, Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL), University of South Africa (Unisa)

John Andrew van der Poll is a full professor in the Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL) at the University of South Africa (Unisa). He holds a PhD in Computer Science and taught undergraduate courses in Discrete Mathematics and Logic, Operating Systems, Databases, as well as postgraduate courses in Automated Reasoning, Compiler Construction, Formal Program Verification, and Business ICTs. His research interests are in formal- and semi-formal specification techniques and automated reasoning, application Business ICTs. Lately, his research is in facilitating formality through management leverage and 4IR/5IR technologies.

Fisokuhle, School of Computing, University of South Africa

Fisokuhle Hopewell Nyembe is a software developer at a large commercial bank in South Africa. He is a postgraduate student at the University of South Africa and his research interests are in the efficient use of Scrum as an Agile methodology through the use of Formal Methods.

Hugo, School of Computing, University of South Africa

Hugo Lotriet is a full professor in Information Systems in the School of Computing at the University of South Africa. His research interests are in the effective use of Information Systems in Computing.




How to Cite

van der Poll, J. A., Nyembe, F. H. N., & Lotriet, H. H. (2023). Formal Methods for an Agile Scrum Software Development Methodology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technologies, 11, 168–176.