Human Error and Clinical Data Sharing


  • Yassine GOUNINE faculté des sciences de rabat



Computer security issues have a widespread impact across all sectors and are increasingly influencing the healthcare industry. Since 2019, several reported attacks have been specifically aimed at exploiting vulnerabilities in medical network protocols like 'DICOM' and 'HL7,' as well as file formats, particularly those related to digital imaging and medical communications.

While numerous articles delve into subjects such as security and blockchain, they often disregard the significant role that human errors play in compromising security.

Human errors within hospital computer systems can lead to substantial implications for both patient care and data security. This article delves into the various forms of human errors that can occur within such systems and assesses their potential consequences on the overall effectiveness and security of healthcare information management. The study underscores the necessity of effective mitigation strategies to reduce the associated risks of these errors and enhance the dependability of hospital computer systems




How to Cite

GOUNINE, Y. (2023). Human Error and Clinical Data Sharing. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Trends in Applied Sciences, 1, 103–110.